Contact us

Please find below our different email addresses or telephone numbers.


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Phone Numbers:

+49 152 32077762 (Christopher P. Heep) - WhatsApp

+255 784 624 664 (Christopher P. Heep) - WhatsApp

+255 784 613 335 (Direct number to the Lodge) - WhatsApp

+255 783 507 202 (Kakuu P. Heep) - WhatsApp

Address (HQ)

Ras Kilomoni 15

23443, Dar es Salaam



Vers. 08/24

Join the Team

Join Us for a Life-Changing Experience in Tanzania

Hospitality Training at Meru Mbega Lodge

Gain hands-on experience in the hospitality industry by working at our lodge. From guest services to behind-the-scenes operations, you’ll learn valuable skills while immersing yourself in the heart of Tanzanian culture.

Supporting Donation Projects

Be part of meaningful initiatives like supporting orphanages, building schools, or improving village infrastructure. Your contributions will directly impact lives, offering you a rewarding and eye-opening experience.

Agricultural Development

If you’re passionate about sustainable farming, join our team to work on our eco-positive farm. Learn about organic practices, assist with daily operations, and contribute to innovative agricultural projects in Tanzania.

Cultural Exchange and Personal Growth

Beyond the work, immerse yourself in the beauty of Tanzania, its people, and traditions. A social year with us offers not just skills but memories and connections that last a lifetime.

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